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IUD Insertion For Endometriosis: Things to Know

IUD Insertion For Endometriosis

An intrauterine device (IUD) is an effective birth control method that can last up to 10 years, depending on the type of IUDs you use. This device is easy to insert into the uterus via a simple procedure and has no major complications. There are two types of IUDs available: hormonal IUD and copper IUD. You can choose a suitable IUD depending on the flow of your periods. Both IUDs have a diverse impact on your periods. For instance, menstrual bleeding with Mirena coil is lighter, while copper coil leads to heavy menstrual bleeding.

Below let’s look at how Mirena coil for endometriosis can help alleviate the pain and symptoms of endometriosis.

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IUDs and Weight Gain: Is There a Connection?

IUD and weight gain

When it comes to the birth control method, it is quite common to wonder about its side effects. The most common side effects of birth control are acne, intermenstrual spotting, breast tenderness, mood changes, headaches, etc. IUD coil and weight gain is a common concern among women selecting this birth control method. However, there is no evidence that these small T-shaped devices that prevent pregnancy make you gain weight.


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How to Know If Your IUD is Out of Place: Signs and Symptoms

How to Know If Your IUD is Out of Place: Signs and Symptoms

IUD, or intrauterine device, is a birth control device shaped like a ‘T’. It is either made with plastic or copper and medically inserted into the womb by a trained medical professional. IUDs usually stay functional for 10 to 15 years and can be reversed at any time with the help of an obstetrician or a gynaecologist.

While it is uncommon, the IUD can get out of its place. It is important to get medically checked at the earliest if you feel like your IUD has been misplaced. The misplacement of the IUD can cause a lot of trouble if it is not treated. Hence, you should not ignore the IUD out of place symptoms.

Before we discuss the IUD Displacement in detail, let’s talk about how it functions. This will help you better understand displacement and steps you can take to prevent it.


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