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Termination of Pregnancy

Tired of Heavy Periods? Let us help you.

Our women’s healthcare clinic in London offers effective diagnosis and treatments for heavy Periods/Menorrhagia. Book your appointment now and experience relief.

What Is Menorrhagia?

The term Menorrhagia is used to describe excessive or prolonged bleeding during periods. A heavy flow lasting longer than your regular period cycle or on a consistent basis could be a sign of serious underlying issues.


Symptoms of Menorrhagia:

For those who want to know what causes heavy periods (Menorrhagia), here are some basic heavy period symptoms;

  • Anaemia and Pelvic Pain.
  • Passing of huge amount of Blood Clots.
  • Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue.
  • Frequent changing of sanitary pads.
  • Restriction in day-to-day activities due to severe bleeding.

Common Causes of Menorrhagia

For woman of all ages, going for a regular well woman health screening and sexual health check-up is essential if they want to enjoy a healthy life. It is estimated that around 50% of women suffer from Menorrhagia at some point in their lives. This condition is quite prevalent and if not treated can have a negative impact on your overall physical, emotional and psychological health. The most common causes of Menorrhagia includes:

Tests for Identifying Menorrhagia

Different Diagnosis is suggested by the gynaecologist based on the symptoms. These general examination and tests help determine the cause of heavy menstrual bleeding, enabling the doctor to prescribe effective heavy periods treatments.

Some of the tests for identifying Menorrhagia are:

  • Blood Test – this includes complete blood count, iron count, haemoglobin and thyroid function test.
  • Ultrasound Scan – this is performed to check the uterus (womb) lining, ovaries and the pelvis.
  • Endometrial Biopsy – for this test, a sample tissue is collected from the inside of your uterus.
  • Hysteroscopy – During this test, a thin instrument is inserted into the vagina and cervix to examine your uterus.

Our women’s healthcare clinic offers effective tests such as hysteroscopy and Period Pain Treatment Scan in London. This can help us diagnose the condition causing the heavy bleeding and offer appropriate  treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding.

Treatments for Menorrhagia

As a gynaecologist in London, Mr N. Agarwal would recommend the following Menorrhagia treatments, based on a women’s age, existing medical conditions & the result from various physical tests and examinations.

  • Contraceptive Pills – Aids in regulating menstrual cycles, helping reduce the heavy blood flow.
  • Tranexamic Acid – Oral medication that prevents excessive blood loss.
  • Mefenamic Acid – Another Oral medication for heavy periods, this is used to treat mild to moderate menstrual pain.
  • Mirena Coil – A form of contraception, the Mirena Coil is an intrauterine system (IUS) that can help reduce heavy periods.
  • Endometrial Ablation – This procedure includes removal of the Endometrial lining of the uterus, thus reducing bleeding or stopping it altogether.
  • Hysterectomy – a permanent procedure, wherein, the uterus and the cervix is removed surgically.

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What Are The Reasons For Heavy Bleeding During Periods?
The reasons for heavy menstrual bleeding can be related to hormonal problems, uterus problems (polyps, fibroids, endometriosis), thyroid dysfunction etc. It can also be due to perimenopausal changes. If you have to change your sanitary pad/tampon nearly every couple of hours or if you are feeling dizzy or light-headed, then consulting with a specialist is important, in order to determine the reason behind heavy bleeding during periods.
What Home Remedy Can I Use To Stop Heavy Periods?

Some of the home remedies that can help you manage excessive menstrual bleeding are; ice pack to reduce blood flow; essential vitamin and nutrients to prevent anaemia, herbal teas for their hormonal balancing properties, etc. Keeping yourself hydrated during periods is also important to maintain blood volume.

However, for abnormal and very heavy menstrual bleeding, it is important to see a specialist immediately to receive prompt treatment.

What Does Big Blood Clots In Period Mean?

While blood clots are perfectly normal as they are a natural part of menstruation, sometimes they are a sign of an underlying health condition. Menstrual clots are a combination of blood cells and tiny bits of tissues from the lining of the uterus. These are rarely a cause for concern.

However, an excessive amount of blood clots along with extreme abdominal pain may require you to see a specialist, to determine if treatment is required.

What Foods Should You Avoid On Your Period?

Foods to avoid during your periods are caffeinated drinks, processed foods, dairy products, fatty foods, alcohol, fried foods, etc. These foods, more often than not, worsen your period symptoms, cause hormonal imbalance, trigger menstrual cramps, and increase the oestrogen levels.

Having a well-balanced and nutritional diet during periods is important to compensate for excessive bleeding. Here, eating leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts & seeds, yoghurt etc can help you deal with the various period symptoms.

Do Periods Get Heavier As You Age?

While changes in the menstrual cycle are hard to predict, for some women, periods can get heavier and painful as they age. At the beginning (tweens and teens), your periods might be erratic and irregular as young girls typically don’t ovulate regularly. This might change in your 20s when you start ovulating, and your menstruation becomes predictable and consistent barring any medical condition.

In your 30s, you are probably still regularly ovulating, and if you have been pregnant during this time, there can be a significant shift in your menstrual cycle. The 40s usually marks the beginning of perimenopause. However, generally, there is still 8 to 10 years before the actual menopause.

During the perimenopause stage, you might experience estrogen level fluctuations, which could lead to missed periods, heavy bleeding, spotting between periods, or even longer stretches of PMS.

Our Advantages

Personalized Treatment
We manage patient’s health through personalized medical care.
We respect our patients' privacy and provide confidentiality in all matters.
Practitioners Network
We will correspondent and work closely with all your health practitioners.
Consultant Gynaecologist
Get the best treatment from leading Gynaecologist Surgeon in London
Comfortable Clinic
We offer a comfortable, pleasant and cozy environment that feels like home.
Holistic Health Services
We believe in preventive healthcare with minimal intervention.

Insurance Approved Consultant

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